Boot process

CodeBug Connect has three boot modes.

  • By default CodeBug Connect boots in run mode. The exact behaviour at boot depends on the boot configuration.

  • Pressing and holding the centre of button A while applying power will cause CodeBug Connect to boot as a USB drive. To prevent file system corruption it will not run any of your programs at the same time.

  • CodeBug Connect can be set to upgrade itself. As part of this it will boot in a special mode to update its operating system. If it fails to find its operating system it will boot into upgrade mode. Upgrade more is completely separate mode which has no access to the filesystem and cannot run your programs. See updating for more information.

Run mode

In normal run mode, CodeBug Connect can do some tasks automatically, such as automatically connecting to a WiFi network, checking for updates or starting its webserver.

boot configuration

What happens at boot is specified in the config.json file.

        "start_ap": true,
        "auto_connect": true,
        "fallback_to_ap": true,
        "start_mdns": true,
        "start_webconsole": true,
        "start_webserver": true,
        "remote_checkin": "",
        "remote_debug": true,
        "wait_for_connection": true,
        "button_b_wifi_boot" : true

You can edit the config.json just as you would any other file; either over USB as a removable drive, or through the web client.

Running your program

Once the actions specified in config.json are complete, your CodeBug Connect runs the file. This file can either contain code to run directly, or link to run your projects.

Warning can be automatically setup when you deploy a project, so it may get overwritten. As such you are advised to keep you programs in their own file, and reference them in